Hawaiian Shirt

Our assignment was to create a Hawaiian shirt design as a way to show our use of pattern in Illustrator. Another requirement was to create our own unique labels and buttons for the shirt.

Adobe Illustrator (CC)

Production Methods:
Using the image above, I traced the folds of the shirt from front to back with the pen tool.
Above you can see my button, pattern and label designs respectively.
I was tired of seeing flowers when researching designs so I designed a shirt I would imagine my Dad wearing resulting in what you see below. I wanted the buttons to almost blend with the coconuts, and the collar and sleeves are less saturated to bring out the designs more.
And here is the finalized design!
I actually enjoyed this assignment! The pattern making was difficult at times, but it was easily solved by re-visiting the class video list and properly organizing everything together. I am pleased with the final result but I am most proud of my "punny" title (see in last image). The pen tool is something I dread, but this assignment made me a little more comfortable with the tool.
Hawaiian Shirt

Hawaiian Shirt
